Over the years I've known people who let their fear of how they think others see them get in their way.
That is, they refuse to try anything new lest they not be perfect at it.
I am grateful I am not that way.
Oh, sure there are some things I have more sense than to try. It's not because of how big a fool it'll make me look, it's because sometimes it's the little voice warning me off.
I pay attention to the voice.
Said voice has been eerily silent when it comes to drawing.
Art is not my thing.
Neither is music, but it did not stop me from teaching myself rudimentary guitar. While I'm not good at it, playing fires up my brain and I think better, do better, and write better.
If I'm having trouble writing I'll strum a few chords or pick out a melody and soon the problem is solved, or as happens now and again, forgotten.
This brings me to drawing.
A few weeks ago I had a picture in mind to do with a scene I was writing. I had the urge to draw it. Further, I had the urge to draw it properly rather than a render a few scrawls that would shame any self-respecting refrigerator.
This led me down a most wonderful path. The web is filled with sites dedicated to drawing and how to do it. I looked up several of them and played around. I've sketched howling wolves and hawks and noses and ears and eyes and dragons, and well, you get the idea.
It feels good.
I'm enjoying myself and it's one more way to express myself. I sketched out the scene I had in my mind and added a few things not in the original version.
That was fun.
I have a pencil, an eraser, and scrap paper.
It's all I need and I'm having fun.
I am grateful for that and for not letting lack of talent hold me back.
See for yourself:
Nose tree and son , the nose and ear tree. |
Here be dragons. |