Monday, March 21, 2011

Gratitude Monday -- Generations Edition

The last of his kind.
The gentleman in the centre of the photo surrounded by his sons, daughter, and two granddaughters is my Uncle Marvin. Last Thursday he turned 90. His family organized a celebration for Saturday and Mike and I were among the guests.
I am grateful they did it, grateful I got to go, and very grateful that Marvin, the last of my dad's siblings, is still around.
He was the second youngest of the family of eight. Violet, who was the oldest and the only girl, and seven boys:  Robert, Oscar, John, Reynold,  Eugene, Marvin, Gilbert.
It's good there's still a link left.
Not only is he still around, he's mentally sharp.  I don't mean "for his age." I mean I'd like a personal upgrade to half his sharpness now.
We had birthday cake, a visit with family members we rarely see, and a look at some old slides that showed his  family, immediate and otherwise, plus a few other people when we were very young.
It was a good day, and I am grateful for it.


Dawn said...

Family...and generations. There is nothing more to be treasured.
(Although...."a personal upgrade to half his sharpness now"....would be a great bonus too;)

I'm glad you got such a day Leah.
They are important parts of life we are blessed to have imprinted on our hearts.

Tabor said...

Leah, I want so much that sharpness as I age. I would hate to be just hanging around!

Leah J. Utas said...

Dawn, thanks. You're right. It is an important part of life.

Tabor, me, too.

Wilma said...

I know just what you're saying Leah. The same thing was done last year for my mom when she turned 90. We all had a laugh at some of the "Old" family pictures on the video. It was so nice seeing neighbours and relatives I hadn't seen for years. I think all mom's kids got Cd's of the video pictures & I still look at them every now & then.Brings back beautiful memories.

the Bag Lady said...

It was an excellent celebration! I enjoyed it thoroughly and it was great to see all the other family members, as well as have a chance to visit with Uncle Marv!
Great picture, too.

Bossy Betty said...

How wonderful! What a gift.....

Leah J. Utas said...

Wilma, I love old photos. They either bring back old memories or they set my imagination on fire.

Bag Lady, it was excellent. So glad I was there. How did your pics turn out?

Bossy Betty, it truly was.

Reb said...

It was a lot of fun, the slides were pretty cool and seeing so many faces again after so long was a treat. I wish I had taken more photos though ;)

Leah J. Utas said...

Me, too. Reb.

messymimi said...

It's special to be able to see the generations together. One of my favorite photos is of my grandfather, my mother, me, and my eldest son. It was the only time we had the 4 generations together.

To be there is good, to be all there is even better. Glad he is doing well.

Leah J. Utas said...

Messymimi, that photo must give you wonderful memories.

Hilary said...

Oh that's wonderful. It sounds like your cousins were there too. Family gatherings are just so special.. particularly when it's a beautiful event such as this.

Dawn said...

What a great family get-together. He certainly looks a "sprightly in spirit" old gentleman and long may he remain so.

I'm sure the worst thing about getting older is the fear of losing that mental sharpness. Yikes - I struggle remembering things now!

Laurita said...

Now that's a good gratitude.

Leah J. Utas said...

Hilary, all three bloggers in the same room. Yikes!

Dawn, he is. I so want to be sharp when I'm that age.

Thanks, Laurita.

Clare2e said...

When family get older like that, it gives us all such a great excuse to gather!