Monday, March 14, 2011

Gratitude Monday -- Mountain Drive Edition

Looking east along Highway 11 driving through the Kootenay Plains.
We went for a drive out west along Highway 11 yesterday.
It was a warm, windy day that felt more like spring than winter.
I was grateful to get out and see the mountains again, grateful for the warming weather that signals the change of season, and so grateful that in less than two hours I can see the above.


the Bag Lady said...

I'm so glad your weather is warming! Ours is, too, slowly. Very slowly.

Great photo!

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks. Glad to hear yours is smartening up.

Bossy Betty said...

So majestic!!! I would have a hard time keeping my eyes on the road!

Hilary said...

Breathtaking. You are so lucky to have that majesty nearby.

Frank Baron said...

Very nice, Leah. I'll never forget the trip I took out there (too) long ago. Your photos bring it all back.

Dawn said...

So good to see them again. It's been months since I drove out there. We ARE quite lucky to live so close aren't we?
Nice capture.

Leah J. Utas said...

Bossy Betty, so true. I've been here for 23 years and I'm still gape-jawed over it.

Hilary, I am and I hope I never forget it.

Frank, I'm glad I can spark fond memories.

Dawn, we sure are. I can't wait to check out the Siffleur hike this year.

Dawn said...

Stunning scenery. That would be worth driving for 2 DAYS to see.

Reb said...

Oh, I love it! It seems like the mountains have less snow than we do in the city though ;)

Ron Scheer said...

These mountains are real beauties. Thanks for the fine pic. Nothing like getting out on a good day to see the world's still there and waking up to a new season.

messymimi said...

Agreeing with Dawn, it is worth a bit of a trip to see that.

Glad you see signs of spring.

Leah J. Utas said...

So right, Dawn.

Reb, you're probably right.

It was reassuring to see them, Ron.

Yes, it is, Messymimi.

carla said...

since I lost the hour Ive been discombob'ed.

Im having gratitude tuesday.

thankful tuesday :)

J Graham said...

Wow, what a stunning backdrop. Thanks for sharing that. Afraid there are no snow-capped mountains anywhere near here, gotta make due with palm trees and beaches. OK, so maybe I'm grateful too.

Crabby McSlacker said...

Oh crap, I'm logged in under another user name! "Lurking Admin" is actually Crabby McSlacker! Sorry bout that.

Leah J. Utas said...

Crabby, it's good to have you here. Thanks for owing up to your other name. Beaches and palm trees are really good, too.

Redbush said...

I envy you for being in such close vicinity to such grandeur! Mountains have always been fascinating to me, and as a great subject for my artwork.

Leah J. Utas said...

Redbush, they fascinate me, too.