Friday, March 4, 2011

Photo-Finish Friday - Coffee Time

A Cuban man turns coffee beans as they dry in the sun.


David Cranmer said...

Fascinating process there.

the Bag Lady said...

So THAT's what gives Cuban coffee it's distinctive flavour!


Leah J. Utas said...

Sure is, David.

The secret's out now, Bag Lady.

Laurita said...

It looks like gravel. Sure glad it doesn't taste like it.

Reb said...

Feet - I can understand that flavour, but why are his pants wet? lol

Leah J. Utas said...

Me too, Laurita.

Reb, that has troubled me since the day I saw it. It was hot so maybe that's why.

Dawn said...

Amazing! I have never seen this before.
I hope his feet are clean....'cause I down that coffee by the "potfuls"...

(My pics on my post....the stairs and boulder were taken just outside of Banff on a day hike I did. The mountain scene was from one of my Yoho (National Park) trips- near the ice line.)
Have a great weekend Leah. I'm going to brew up some coffee now....

Leah J. Utas said...

Dawn, I'm sure they're as clean as any feet can be.
Those hikes sure look fine.

Hilary said...

Oh yeah.. wet pants, eh? Maybe just to keep him cooler?

solarity said...

Please tell me he's not smoking? Please? Do not want ashes in my coffee!

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Leah J. Utas said...

Maybe that's it, Hilary.

Mary Anne, sorry, but smokes and coffee go together.

Frank Baron said...

Feet AND cigarette ash combine for that full, dark-roasted flavour. ;)

Dawn said...

So THAT'S what gives coffee its unique flavor!

David Barber said...

The cigarette ash and foot sweat must be what adds to the coffee aroma! HA!

You caught a lot of culture in that single photo, Leah. Great shot!

Leah J. Utas said...

Frank, it makes a full-bodied coffee.

The secret's out, Dawn.

Thanks, David. The pic says a lot.