Friday, May 27, 2011

Photo-- Finish Friday--Here Be Dragons

I see a dragon with a peacock's tail.
The woods are full of surprises. All you need do is look.


David Cranmer said...

I'm wondering if I would have seen a dragon? I do now.

Terrific pic.

Tabor said...

i agree.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, David and Tabor. I debated whether I should say what I saw or leave it open.

the Bag Lady said...

I'm glad you pointed out the dragon else I wouldn't have seen it.

Nancy said...

It looks like a really big snake to me.

Reb said...

Cool shot Leah!

messymimi said...

Good one, and i'm glad you said what you saw.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Yes woods are full of surprises. I see something like s Dinosaur.

David Barber said...

You stare long enough at something and you see so many things. Great photo, Leah!

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, everyone.

John Wiswell said...

That is a pretty rad tree, petrified dragon or not.

Chris said...

I see an alien from the ALIEN movies doing a face plant. Saw that before I really started looking for the dragon, but I can see that too if I overlook the alien.

solarity said...

I saw an eagle eating a snake, but I can make it into a dragon if I squint. My instant reaction was "Wow! What light!"

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Leah J. Utas said...

Bag Lady, what did you see?
Nancy, I can see what you see.
Thanks, Reb.
Thanks, Messymimi.
Hi, Munir. They sure are.
So true, David. Thanks.
It sure is, John.
Chris, now that you mention it, yes, I can see an alien, too.
Mary Anne, I don't see it yet, but I'll try again.

Dawn said...

A great find. It's funny...walking through the woods and finding things like this- reminds me of laying down and looking up at the pictures in the clouds.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, Dawn. I guess it is the same.

Hilary said...

Very cool.. I would have been tempted to play with some colour in Photoshop. ;)