Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What's Up?

Atomic Red, that's what.
Further to the earlier seedy post this is what a red carrot looks like.
Younger versions of them still looked orange to me and I'd read that they turn red upon cooking.
I am pleased to tell you that I dug this out today and it was red as you please.

The above photo is with flash while the other is without. I posted one of each to show you it is not a trick of the light. It is real.


Virginia Lee said...

Lovely! Well done, you. :)

Leah J. Utas said...


the Bag Lady said...

Way cool!! I've seen purple carrots and yellow carrots, but never a red carrot!

Leah J. Utas said...

Bag Lady, this is my very first heritage coloured carrot. I hope someday to see yellow and purple.

messymimi said...

Very pretty carrots, and i'll bet as tasty as they are pretty.

solarity said...

I saw this as I was finishing my breakfast bowl of strawberries and thought "What weird strawberries--oh, wait!" So yes, they are red.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Leah J. Utas said...

Weird strawberries, indeed!

Hilary said...

That's the most brilliant carrot I've ever seen. :)