Monday, October 14, 2013

Gratitude Monday -- This

Fall2013 005

It's Thanksgiving and I am grateful for many things.
Today I am grateful that I live a short drive away from the above and sights like it, and I am grateful I get to share it with you.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Please click thrice for full screen.
You will not be disappointed.


MIZ said...

I hope you had a wondering Thanksgiving.

Tabor said...

Your photos are never a disappointment but esp. so when you click thrice. (Is that a poem?)

Chris said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Leah J. Utas said...

That's exactly what we did, Miz.

Tabor, if not, then it should be. ANd thanks.

Chris, thank you.

Crabby McSlacker said...

First off, I know MIZ uses voice recognition and I just LOVE the way the possible mistranslation is actually so spot on. I can't imagine you having a day without some sort of wondering about something!

Love the pictures and thank you for the click thrice instruction, this is a feature I didn't know about!

have a WONDERFUL thanksgiving!

Leah J. Utas said...

Crabby, you know me well.
You're welcome re: click thrice and thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes.

messymimi said...

Happy Thanksgiving, i'm grateful to know you and get to see your beautiful pictures!

Red said...

Hey, lots of new snow on the mountains. It's always a surprise when you get up in the snow to find out how much there is. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving weekend.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks so much, Messymimi.

Yes, there is, Red. Thanks, and I hope yours was good, too.

the Bag Lady said...

Lovely photo, Leah.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Mike.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks so much, BL.

solarity said...

Ahhhh. Beautiful.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Leah J. Utas said...

Aye, thanks.

Hilary said...

I always enjoy your stunning surroundings through your lovely photos. No exception, here.

Leah J. Utas said...

Glad to be of service, Hilary. I'm happy to share.