Monday, February 9, 2015

Gratitude Monday -- I Remember This Edition..

I remember this night.
Our television, a Fairbanks Morris cabinet model, was acting up. By that I mean the commercials came in clear as a summer day, but the shows came in as static and snow. We could hear, but we could not see.
We went to the neighbour's house for this. Steve and Mary William's daughter Lorna and my older sister we best friends. It was logical we would go there.
I recall being there and seeing The Beatles and for all of this I am grateful.



Anonymous said...

Love this!

Tabor said...

I remember it as well, but watched with my parents and had to keep my excitement under control or my mother would turn off the TV!

messymimi said...

A nice stroll down memory lane for so many!

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, all.

Ron Scheer said...

Watched it on a tiny B&W TV with my flatmates in college.

Hilary said...

I remember watching one episode of Ed Sullivan with The Beatles when they did closeups on each Beatle and included their names beneath their faces. When they focus on John, the text said "Sorry girls.. he's married." .. or something similar. Fun stuff seeing this.

Bossy Betty said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog this morning and for your very kind comments.

Leah J. Utas said...

Ron, those old TV offer some of the best memories.

Hilary, thanks. Glad to offer something fun.

Bossy Betty, thanks for coming by.

solarity said...

I never saw that one. Sometimes we watched Ed Sullivan, sometimes we didn't. I was never interested in the Beatles, or their contemporaries, but I remember my classmates talking about that show.

Mary Anne in Kentucky