Monday, January 1, 2018

Gratitude Monday - A New Year Of Gratitude - 2018 Edition

I am grateful for another year. It's new, it's fresh, it's got a different feel, as the new year tends to do, be it real or only perceived as such.
Either way I am thankful for it.

This year I want a few things. I want to have conscious contact with extraterrestrials. They are a part of my life in the shadowy awareness of things that happened that I remember.
I want the awareness out of the shadows and in the bright light of now.
I want to talk to them, interview them, spend time with them, and write about it.
I want those books I write about ET contact to be popular, to be best-sellers, and I want them to have an impact on the world for the greater good.

It is my wish to speak publicly about ETs, to bring them out of the world of denial and dismissal into public awareness and acceptance.

I am grateful for the chance to talk about it here. I am grateful to know my stance is accepted, and if it is not, then it is at least read.

And if this doesn't pan out, well, that's okay, too. If they don't consent to be outed, maybe they've got some advanced medical techniques and they'll consent to rejig my heartbeat into the right rhythm.
I'd sure be grateful for that.

Happy 2018.


Tabor said...

I am sure you will share if they let themselves be interviewed! Nothing of that ilk in my life. I am way too boring and certainly overlooked for the more interesting of our species.

solarity said...

For me, the turn of the year is in the fall, not in midwinter, so I don't get the feel of a new year when the date changes. I wish you well with your new year goals but if I were an alien I can't imagine wanting to be interviewed.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

messymimi said...

May you and your family be blessed beyond your measure in 2018!

Leah J. Utas said...

Tabor, only with their permission. Wouldn't want to upset anyone.

Mary Anne, all I can do is ask.

Messymimi, thank you. I hope the very same for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I am gleefully rubbing my hands together hoping all your wants turn into reality! All the best for 2018!!! As always, I am grateful to have connected with you in this realm, Leah!

Leah J. Utas said...

Thank you so much, Kimberley. Same here.