It’s the final Monday of 2007 and I’m pleased to report that it is not my final Monday. My heart is now ticking in proper rhythm after having an irregular beat for quite some time.
I didn’t know it was zipping along with an extra tick, a kind of grace note of the heart if you will. The top chambers of my heart weren’t working at all while the bottom chambers were skittering along like a mad hamster on a loose wheel. This led to fluid in my lungs.
I’m grateful this was found and treated successfully.
Over the years I’ve heard many a patient complain about being poked and prodded and injected and bled. Complaining is the height of ingratitude. If you didn’t want your life saved, then why did you seek treatment?
I spent 10 days in three different hospitals. At least half a dozen doctors and more nurses than I could count put their skills, training, and experience into saving my life and making me healthy again. I am grateful for their diligence.
And to all my blog buddies: thank you so much for your well wishes, kind words, good vibes and virtual chocolate.
It was heartening (the pun’s unavoidable) to hear your concern for me.
I’ll be writing in great and glorious and maybe even gory detail about my experiences in future posts. I even have photos.
For now, I’m just happy to be here.
Backstory Balancing Act
21 hours ago
And may the Bag Lady be first to welcome you back, and to tell you how much you were missed. Also that she is grateful for all those professionals who were able to save your life and give you back to us!
The final Monday of 2007 is a terrific Gratitude Monday!
dfBag Lady - Why thank you.It's great to be back and great to be blogging again.
I'll second that! Welcome back Leah.. and Happy New Year.. almost!
Thanks. Happy New Year to you, too, Hilary.
Glad you're back and ticking properly! I'm wishing you a very rhythmic 2008!
I may not be first, but my welcome back is just as...heartfelt (sorry) as the rest. I am very glad you are back giving us all something to be grateful for on the last Monday of 2007!
Happy New Year!
Thanks, Bunnygirl.
Reb, thanks, and don't worry about the heart puns. They're danged near unavoidable.
And to everyone a Happy New Year.
Welcome back! I'm so glad you're on the mend with all cylinders firing properly.
Will be very interested to hear the whole tale. And how did you have the presence of mind to take pictures?
(Oh, and Happy New Year a few hours early).
Can't help myself, Crabby. When Mike went home for a quick lunch I insisted he come back with the camera so he could get a photo of me in ER. Stories need to be illustrated.
HAPPY NEW YEAR, Leah! I'm so grateful you're back and posting.
Much love, as ever, headed your way from Miss Mama and me.
Thank you so very much, Virginia Lee.
It’s only fitting that in this week of Thanksgiving, we talk about giving thanks and having gratitude. While some may view this week as chaotic, stressful, and anxious-ridden with extended family, my hope for you is that you give thanks for the abundance, prosperity, peace, and joy in your life.
Giving than ks really means being thankful for the gifts you have in your life. If you don’t already view the things in your life as a gift, try shifting your focus from what you DON’T have to focus on what you DO have. You can even do this in the midst of chaos and when your life is feeling particularly stressful. Even mounting bills are things to be thankful for. The vendors behind those bills have provided a lifestyle for you that you wouldn’t have otherwise have had. Your bills are a gift. That’s an example of a true shift in focus.
As soon as you start feeling grateful and happy about the things you have, you will start to attract and have more blessings in your life. Everybody goes through things they don’t like and times that are hard, but it’s those who remain grateful and thankful for what they DO have, who have true joy, peace, and abundance in their lives. Start to see EVERYTHING as the gift that it is.
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