Sunday, April 4, 2010

Gratitude Monday --They're Back, and They're Pretty

The bluebirds are back on the Kootenay Plains. We suspected they might be so we went looking a week ago yesterday.
We were rewarded, and I am grateful to see them once again.


carla said...

I love your blog because you are so positive.
find inspiration in the seemingly small.
Id love to meet you in real life.

the Bag Lady said...

Beautiful, cousin!
I have yet to see a bluebird around here, so appreciate you sharing this.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thank you, Carla. I'd love to meet you, too.
df Bag Lady, my pleasure. My bluebirds are your bluebirds.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is a great picture of gratitude. I'm grateful for my life.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, Mary. Yours about sums it up.

Redbush said...

I wish we had bluebirds, Leah. They're so pretty! We have the vocal bluejays as you probably do as well. "There's a bluebird on your windowsill. There's a rainbow in the sky......" You're probably too young to know that song!

messymimi said...

I've been seeing wildflowers and azaleas here -- much to be grateful for, I agree.

Leah J. Utas said...

Au contraire, Redbush. I think of that song often when I see a bluebird. Don't recall the lyrics, though, so thanks.

Spring and the renewal of life is a good place to be grateful, Messymimi.

Hilary said...

What a little beauty. I've never seen a bluebird (I've seen blue birds like Jays but never a Bluebird) so I really appreciate seeing this one here. Thanks for that. :)

Leah J. Utas said...

Hilary, you are quite welcome. I'm glad it brought you such joy.