Monday, July 19, 2010

Gratitude Monday - As Above, So Below

As above, so below.

I live so close to this it makes a comfortable day trip.
The world falls away as I drive to the mountains. The scales fall from my eyes the deep  in to them I go.
The scales, the baggage, the covers and trappings of ordinary daily life build back up as the days progress, but when I need to, I can go here and be restored.
Where do you go?


Tabor said...

Almost anywhere outside restores my soul but for some reason the desert in the fall or spring haunts me.

carla said...

lately I head to our backyard and climb into my daughters treehouse.

its so peacefulquietzen there.
(when shes inside the house anyway :))

messymimi said...

I imagine myself back on the beach on the Gulf, or in the Alps. It helps.

the Bag Lady said...

Believe it or not, I need only go into my yard or, if things are really bad, as far as the pasture!

Love the picture of the mountain, and your new blog header is wonderful!

Leah J. Utas said...

Tabor, I'd love to see the desert.

Carla, peace and quiet is what matters.

Messymimi, both sound wonderful.

Bag Lady, totally get the back yard and/or pasture. Both are calming.
Thanks re: pic and header.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

What a great picture! I love the mirror effect on the water.

solarity said...

The walk down to the creek (and back up! huff puff!) is always good for that, but all I need for a moment or two is to step out on the bedroom balcony. (There's no work nagging to be done out there, unlike the deck off the laundry room, or the front porch next to the vegetables.)

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Ron Scheer said...

Beautiful mountain photo. Thanks. The desert is way too hot right now, but when I'm out there, I step out to the back patio every couple of hours and just let my eyes focus on the mountain across the valley from me, San Jacinto. It goes through different moods all day from dawn to twilight.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful cool photo. It's 110 here today! I needed the coolness of this.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, Bunnygirl. It was a spectacular sight.

A creeks is always good, Mary Anne. So are places without work.

Ron, the different moods of the landscape are beautiful. Good for your for taking the time to enjoy them.

Thanks, Mary. I'm melting just thinking about 110.

Virginia Lee said...

That photo is genius, Leah. What makes it so particularly is how you have the edge of the water with the birds at the bottom of the frame. I commend you, my friend. Well done!

As to where I go? I ride the trolley by the river. Sometimes I get off the trolley and go walk in one of the two riverfront parks. The Mississippi River is so full of history. If only we could dip a toe in and learn its secrets . . .

Reb said...

Love the new header and the photo of the lake. I head to the my mind at least ;)

Leah J. Utas said...

Virginia Lee, thank you so much. I agree about the Mississippi. I'd love to stick a toe in that river and dream.
Thanks so much, Reb. I hope my mountain pics help you escape.

Laurita said...

Absolutely breathtaking. Having a place to go to clear your head is one of life's gifts. I posted about the same thing last week. Everyone should have a place like this.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thank you, Laurita. I agree. Having a special place to regroup is the best.

Hilary said...

Such incredible beauty in those mountains. I have my beautiful pond, Frank's gorgeous creek and the wonderful lake up at the cottage for my escape. We're heading back there tomorrow.

Leah J. Utas said...

It's good to have so much water around, Hilary. I find it very soothing.

XD said...

That pic is awesome. I so miss nature. Living in the city sucks!

Barbara Martin said...

Lovely to look at in this horrid heat I've been experiencing. Eye candy for me. Thanks, Leah.

Leah J. Utas said...

Hello R.G. Thanks so much.

Barbara, glad to be of service.