Thursday, December 30, 2010

I'd Call It A Win

epic fail photos - Adventure Fail
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Well I'll be damned.

Rocky Mountain House made it to Failblog.


Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Wow. They say death is the final adventure, but that's pushing it a bit.

Dawn said...

I do not like that. Not one little bit. I should have a sense of humor....but not here.

Hmmmm...wonder who came up with that?

Leah J. Utas said...

Bunnygirl and Dawn, "Where Adventure Begins" is the Rocky's slogan. The signs are sponsored by businesses. The funeral home can't win.

Reb said...

LOL, I think it is wonderful! But, I'm sick like that ;)

Dawn said...

Ahhhhh...I get it! Thanks for clarifying!
No....I guess they're at a loss big time.
I wonder if they could switch it around somehow......

the Bag Lady said...

Snort. The funeral home might want to re-think that one!

Leah J. Utas said...

Reb, I wouldn't have you any other way.

Dawn, I should have explained in the post. Sorry.

dfBag Lady, they're hosed no matter what.

Dawn said...

Just thought I would reply to your comment to my post today...conquering was my fear of closed spaces as I had to swim under a cave wall to get inside a tiny enclosed space. Claustrophobia at its finest.
Not saying I won't have to conquer it a second time around though...
Have a great day Leah!
Almost to a New year....

As for explaining the photo above: I think you should enter that in a competition somewhere...for Worst Possible Advertising Sign ever;)

messymimi said...

I agree with Reb. That is funny. A bit twisted, like my favorite Christmas songs.

Ron Scheer said...

We are amused...

Leah J. Utas said...

Dawn, thanks for answering. I'm claustrophobic, too, so I totally understand.

Messymimi, twisted is good.

Ron, glad you enjoyed it.

Cheryl Kohan said...

That is one funny banner! Well, sort of funny. Yes, I actually do think it's funny. Sorry.

Leah J. Utas said...

CherylK, no need to apologize. It's good to see the humour.

Hilary said...

Oh that's hilarious!