Monday, December 19, 2011

Gratitude Monday --Quiet

A quiet street on a quiet afternoon in a quiet town.

Silence takes a beating these days with everyone busy and believing they must be connected and texting,  talking, or  playing games.
In the constant communication of our too-wired wireless world we no longer hear ourselves think.
I like silence.
I like my own thoughts. Being out of communication when I am away from my hard line phone and computer is comforting, not terrifying.
Quiet is good, and for it I am grateful.


messymimi said...

Only in the quiet can we get to truly know ourselves. That's why i won't have a tv or radio in my bedroom.

Love the pic, and the ChrisMoose.

Leah J. Utas said...

So very true, Messymimi. Glad you like moosie.

the Bag Lady said...

You are so right, cousin! I love the silence.
And the ChrisMoose is perfect.

Crabby McSlacker said...

Ah, silence. Rare this time of year... perhaps I'll seek some out today, thanks for the suggestion!

Leah J. Utas said...

I thought you might agree, Cousin.
Moosie thanks you.

Crabby, you are welcome. Best of luck in scoring some.

Nancy said...

You and I are on the same page. I'm liking the silence and solitude a bit too much lately.

Leah J. Utas said...

Nancy, it may be what you need.

Redbush said...

Love your moose shot, Leah! He is definitely a Chrismoose. Love the silence that goes along with winter, too.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thank re: moosie, Redbush. We were out for a drive on Christmas Day a few years ago when we saw these moose. It really is the ChristMoose.

Laurita said...

A very good gratitude. Quiet comes in small amounts around here I'm afraid.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, Laurita. We have to take the moments as we find them.

Red said...

At one time I could do the Christmas bird count in Red Deer and depend on hearing the birds to find them. Not so anymore...too much traffic.
Enjoy the peace and quiet!

Dawn said...

You said it! I am wholeheartedly agreeing. That looks like a nice and quiet picture.

Leah J. Utas said...

Red, sad to hear you can't hear the birds for the engines.

Dawn, my street is quiet on Sundays.

solarity said...

I think quiet may be what I am most grateful for. (Since my work environment with dogs is always noisy.) Here I can sit and listen to wind and birds and very rarely a car engine far away on the road, or a plane overhead. Or a dog barking his head off at deer out the window. :)

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Hilary said...

Beautiful photo, Leah. May you have many quiet, contemplative moments.

I love that header. Clever you!

Leah J. Utas said...

Mary Anne, that sounds so wonderful. I spent many an early spring morn listening to the birds.

Hilary, thanks so much. The moosies told me to.