Friday, December 23, 2011

Photo-Finish Friday --Summer at the End of the World

January 2009 off the south coast of Argentina.
Winter is cold here, but the summer there has a bite to it.


the Bag Lady said...

That's a gorgeous photo, cousin!

Hilary said...

Wow.. it's a beauty. Such drama in that image.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thank you Bag Lady. It was a pleasure to take it.

Hilary, thanks. It's a dramatic part of the world.

Chris said...

Would love to go there.

solarity said...

All those different blues together add up to something!

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Reb said...

That is just lovely Leah.

messymimi said...

Beautiful, although i don't know if i could tolerate the cold enough to see it in person.

Dawn said...

Beautiful capture!!

Makes me shiver, in a good way.

Leah J. Utas said...

Chris, I hope you get there one day.
Mary Anne, they sure do.
Thank you Reb.
Messymimi, thanks. It's the wind on the water. Cuts right through a body.

Thanks Dawn.

Red said...

Totally wild and beautiful! No obvious sign of man! Thanks.

Leah J. Utas said...

Red, the wild places and the empty quarters of the world are my favourites.

Crabby McSlacker said...

Beautiful! I think if it's gonna be cold, it should at least be pretty-- and there's tons of pretty packed in that photo!

Leah J. Utas said...

Aw, thanks Crabby.