Friday, August 17, 2012

Photo-Finish Friday--Rocky Mountain Sunset

The sun sets behind a mountain at Windy Point along the David Thompson Highway (Hwy 11) in early August.


the Bag Lady said...

Beautiful shot, cousin.

Red said...

You were up a fair distance . I've gone up Windy point about ten times. It's a great walk except at the top. About half the time we didn't do the steep part as there was too much wind.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thank you, Cousin.

Red,we only went as far as we could drive.

Hilary said...

Absolutely beautiful.

messymimi said...

You always make me long for the mountains.

Reb said...

That's lovely Leah.

Tabor said...

I grew up in Colorado as I have written many times, but this photo looks cold and like the beginning of fall. Hoping you are far from all the nasty fires.

David Cranmer said...

That's God's country.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, Hilary.
Messymimi, I take that as a compliment.
Thanks, Reb.
Tabor, it was a lovely warm evening.
David, aye.