Monday, January 28, 2013

Gratitude Monday--Dishing

My husband does the dishes. He likes to do dishes.
Well, like may be a strong word, but he chooses to do so of his own free will and prefers that he be the one to do them.
How could I not be grateful?


Unknown said...

I just finished reading a memoir of a year of DISHING.
good not great :-) but worth a read!

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks for the recommendation, Carla.

solarity said...

He should be grateful, too. If he were washing my dishes he'd be Doing It Rong. (I, too, like dishing.) One of the eighty bazillion reasons I've never been in a relationship.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Leah J. Utas said...

Mary Anne, as long as I don't have to do them I don't care how they're done.

messymimi said...

If you do most of the cooking, it is probably fair.

My Sweetie often does the dishes at night when he is home, and i'm grateful for it, also.

Crabby McSlacker said...

Aww, you two seem to have a great partnership!

And Mary Anne, you crack me up!

Bossy Betty said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!! That is a good man!

Reb said...

I would be grateful if someone did my dishes too. And my vacuuming and dusting and cleaned my bathroom and...

I am grateful though that I am able to do these things myself....even if it does take me longer than it should.

Leah J. Utas said...

Messymimi, I do most of the cooking while he does a great deal of the baking.

Crabby, it's the best.

Bossy Betty, he is.

Excellent way to look at it, Reb.

the Bag Lady said...

"No woman ever shot a man while he was doing dishes"
I put that little saying on a plaque in my kitchen.
Didn't help.
Glad you have such a good man!

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, Bag Lady. He's quite territorial about.