Friday, November 15, 2013

Photo-Finish Friday -- Turtleford

SaskBarn 035

Mike and the turtle at Turtleford, Saskatchewan.


solarity said...

Ha! I read the title before I clicked on it as "Turtle Lord", which, on examining the photo seems to be an appropriate misreading.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Leah J. Utas said...

Mary Anne. I love it. It's the Turtle Lord from now on.

Bossy Betty said...

Oh! I will follow the Turtle Lord anywhere! Very impressive!

Leah J. Utas said...

And the Turtle Lord shall reward you, Bossy Betty.

the Bag Lady said...

Bowing to the Turtle Lord.

messymimi said...

Turtle Lord shall rule -- just be patient.

Reb said...

this must be a baby, he hasn't got his elephants & world yet ;)

Leah J. Utas said...

BL, as well you should.
Messymimi, give him time.
Reb, still, I wouldn't mess with him.

Ron Scheer said...

I think these giant statues were meant to stop tourists from driving on by. Not far from where I live, there are some (probably life size) dinosaurs just off the interstate in Banning Pass between LA and Palm Springs. I think they were there even before the interstate.

Leah J. Utas said...

Are you sure those are statues, Ron? Perhaps the dinosaurs are just playing possum, waiting.

Hilary said...

The Turtle Lord.. too funny. I wonder.. are they at the Shell station? ;)

Leah J. Utas said...

Ha! Good one, Hilary.