Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Craving Quelled

During our last few days in the Greek Islands I ate spanakopita. I never used to care for it, but had it for lunch one day on Naxos and knew I had to have it again.
This morning I woke up craving it so I threw together a makeshift gluten-free version with leftover kale.
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A rice tortilla served as the pastry, the leftover kale already had some onion green in it, but I added more onion anyway, used feta cheese and a goat cheese with bruschetta flavouring, and plenty of dill and parsley.
I reheated the kale in a frying pan using MCT oil and olive oil just for the sheer hell of it, folded in a beaten egg and the cheeses, and baked it for about 30 minutes. About 28 of those minutes were at 350 degrees with the remaining two at 375 to get a bit of browning on top.

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It was tasty enough and took care of the craving, at least for now.
Because I had it for breakfast, I served it with bacon. The tastes are good together.


Hilary said...

Sounds and looks yummy. I'm looking forward to hearing about your Greek adventure. You two vacation in the most wonderful places.

messymimi said...

That does sound like it would quell a craving, quite delicious.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, Hilary and Messymimi. It was pretty good, but needs work.

solarity said...

Cheese always gets my vote.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Bossy Betty said...

A great way to use and get more kale in your diet!

Leah J. Utas said...

Cheese makes everything better, Mary Anne.
BB, so true, and so sneaky.