Friday, February 20, 2015

Photo-Finish Friday-- Happy New Year, Day Late Edition

Thursday marked the beginning of  the Year of the Sheep or Goat, depending who you ask.
Out of respect for ovines and caprines everywhere I've decided to honour both.

These sheep are grazing in an overgrown area within the boundaries of Naxos City.

While this village goat on Santorini surveys her domain.


DJan said...

Happy New Year! I like both animals, so I'll celebrate with both of them. :-)

the Bag Lady said...

Happy New Year! Goat or sheep, they are both cool.

Leah J. Utas said...

Excellent choice, DJan.

They sure are, Bag lady.

Tabor said...

Lovely photos, welcome to the new year.

solarity said...

Surveys her domain and plots escape, I should say.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Hilary said...

That goat has such a cute face.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, all.