While it is not officially spring, it may as well be.
Much of the snow is gone, pussy willows are out, and I heard a robin singing in the neighbour's spruce tree Sunday morning.
It wasn't much of a winter, but I am still grateful spring is well on its way.
How to Show Emotional Volatility
21 hours ago
EVery spring makes me wish a i had a good singing voice, so i could go out and sing with the bird chorus.
It is warm here, truly warm, for the time being, and soaking wet. It won't last, of course; there will be more frost, and months more pollen, but it's very enjoyable.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
It has been such a mild winter here that it has felt like spring for a long time. I admit to hoping for green grass soon. Even though I know it is probably too early, and we may get winter again. I even went so far as to buy some flower bulbs the other day! (I am not, however, foolish enough to dig through the snow in my flower bed and plant them!)
Same here!!
There is nothing like petting pussy willows. Spring has definitely sprung over there!
Thanks, all.
And now it is officially spring.
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