For the past two decades the mountain scene in this photo, or some version thereof, has been a common sight.
I'll post about this again, but for now I simply wanted to mark the day where I moved into my current life.
We're going out tonight so I insisted we start on the birthday cake last night. It's very tasty. I'll be insisting he bake something similar soon.
Peaks are less intimidating the closer you get. But they're still high.
I had a very good writing day yesterday. I had a reasonable idea for a scene and a character and had fun writing it. I've alway felt good when writing, but it's been decades since I felt this good. My paraNano project has been wonderful. I'm inventing creatures and writing dialogue. It seems to have blasted through some barrier. I was never very good at dialogue and got to the point where I told myself I couldn't write it.
Now I am writing it.
Stop thinking and start doing. Or, as I tell people who are annoyingly negative around me, "Stop telling me what you can't do and start telling me what you can do."
I am supposed to hit the 20,000 word mark today, 20004 in fact. As of yesterday I was less than 1,200 away.
It is logical to assume I will get there.
And if I fall short today, so what? There's always tomorrow and there always will be a tomorrow as long as I'm enjoying it.
November is a big month all around for me, this one especially.
Reason No. 4: As of the end of the month I'll have lived in Rocky Mountain House for 20 years. That's the longest I've stayed in one place. Ever.
Reporters move around a great deal. It's good for life experiences.
I found the love of my life here and thus found legitimate cause to stay.
Reason No.3: Within about two weeks I'll have been blogging for two years, and this marks my 444th post.
Reason No. 2: I'm unofficially Nanoing. I lacked the personal courage, and the plot, to sign up for NaNoWriMo, the national novel writing month. But then one fine night last week I got a brilliant idea in the bathtub. I realized I could combine an old, bad story that I never finished with a not-quite -as awful story that I'd barely started. Both had been around for years.
My fantasy novel opens somewhat like the bad story and I was able to use the bare bones of a few scenes. Somewhere along the line a plot fell into place. Who knows if it'll stay there.
The writing is fun. I haven't been this tickled about writing since my first manuscript.
Reason No. 1 for November being a big month: I turn 50 in just over two weeks.
I'm looking forward to it.
Now, how about you? What are your big months? Do you have any? Or is life one big, juicy celebration?