Sunday, November 30, 2008

Score! Another Anniversary

I moved to Rocky 20 years ago today.
For the past two decades the mountain scene in this photo, or some version thereof, has been a common sight.
I'll post about this again, but for now I simply wanted to mark the day where I moved into my current life.


Hilary said...

Happy 20th! That new header photo is gorgeous!

Leah J. Utas said...

Hilary, thanks so much. The pic is of Abraham Lake at a place called Windy Point. It's one of my favourite spots and it's got a great feel to it.

the Bag Lady said...

TWENTY YEARS!!!!???? OMG, how time flies. Congratulations on finding 'your' life.
And I love the new header photo, too!

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, dfBag Lady. The time surely did fly. It's hard to grasp the two decade mark.