He dressed up his alpaca in all its camelid finery and worked his way through more than 1,500 people, offering to take a picture of them posing with his very fuzzy companion.
We were waiting to be tendered back to our cruise ship, but the waters were rough and the tenders could only have riders inside, not on the upper, open deck.
It was hot and still where we were and we had no place to go. He had a captive, and somewhat restive, audience. I didn't take him up on his offer, but neither did he make the offer to me. Walked right by in fact.
I expect he made out okay.
I have the travel ITCH.
I understand. Maybe there's a quick getaway or two you can work in.
Oooh, me too. Big time travel itch. No camelids in these parts.
And I like your picture, showing the whole scene, much better than the posed fake picture you would have gotten if you'd gone that route.
Love the big fluffy butt, which we wouldn't have even seen!
I'm with Crabby - love the big fluffy butt. But then, I'm partial to big fluffy butts.
Crabby, thanks so much. I prefer to see the whole animal rather than some silly hat on a face.
I like fluffy butts, too.
dfBag Lady, thanks. I'm glad the picture of fuzzbutt is such a hit.
That is a silly little hat. I like the shot you got, fuzzbutt and all the people.
df Leah,
This picture truly tells the whole story.
Thanks, Reb. The lineup was more than something. Fuzzbutt was quite the ham.
dfTerrie, thank you.
What a nifty picture! And sign me up, too, for the Big Fluffy Butt fan club. ;)
Now, I want to see an alpaca up close.
Thanks, Thomma Lyn. Consider yourself signed up.
Lover of Life, I heartily recommend it. Reach out and feel the fluff. You won't regret it.
Enterprising boy with his alpaca. I too like fuzzy butts.
Barbara, there's money to be made. Alpacas have lovely soft hair.
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