I’ve been doing my best to get the editing done on my first manuscript. I’ve found I prefer raw creation to trying to fix up writing that may not amount to anything later on. It’s good exercise, though. Best way to learn is to do.
Somewhere between blogging, getting the usual daily life matters under control, going away for an extended weekend to BC and recovering from same, and occasionally opening up a file to edit, I’ve picked up the guitar again.
It feels good. I’m not very good at it as I inherited my musical talent from a relative who had none to spare, but I’m enjoying it.
I had the sense to spend the money and get a good one, a Larrivee, with a wonderful, soothing sound. This helps considerably when I do something . . . unmusical.
It had been so long since I’d held it in my arms I’d forgotten which key tuned G and which tuned high E. I was madly turning the nut and nothing was happening. Eventually I caught on and got it done properly.
Not only is it soothing, it helps me write. I can think better as I strum or pick and the effects last.
This brings me to something I read this week. The very first song I learned to play was Down in the Valley and I played it again recently.
Here are a few lines from it:
“Writing this letter, containing three lines, answer my question, will you be mine?
Will you be mine, dear, will you be mine? Answer my question, will you be mine?”
The songbook doesn’t list any writer attached to it, but I found this.
As for me, well, I’ve gotten a bit done here and there. Here’s something from The Legend of Shallal:
“Darahfenn brought his antenna around from the back of his head and stroked his recalcitrant face scale. He’d always hoped the gesture made him look thoughtful.”
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And thank you for stopping by. I appreciate it.
Thirty Ways to Promote Your Book
4 hours ago
It does not matter that you think you do not have much talent for music. Make music, let it sink into your mind and soul. As you have found, it comforts, soothes, eases, and makes the thinking clearer.
The only person you need to please with your music is you.
Also, when you play, you are playing. One professional told me it is a mistake to call it practice. You are not practicing, you are playing! You are playing for you, to have fun, to enjoy, and getting better will be the effect of that kind of play.
For the editing, well, as they used to tell us is college, writing more does improve your writing, but editing improves it even faster.
I hope that tail gesture does make him look thoughtful -- in my mind, I will always picture him that way.
Messymimi, thank you so much for your kind words. You're right, I only have to please me.
I like the writing/editing quote. I might steal that and put it on my blog somewhere, or on my corkboard.
And Darahfenn thanks you for seeing him as thoughtful.
At least you are playing your guitar! Mine (and all the other musical instruments) is sitting around, gathering dust!
I am sure that the tail stroke DOES make him look thoughtful.... that's assuming he has no mustache to stroke.
The music is important to you, Leah, and evident it helps to soothe you.
Whether writing or editing, as you work on it, the words and phrases will get better and better. I like your sentences today giving an insight into the character.
df Bay lady, and what is stopping you from playing? Hmmm??
Darahfenn is happy his antenna gesture works.
Barbara, thanks. I always thought I should be playing guitar. It feels right to me.
That's, df Bag Lady.
My father played the accordion when I was young, and lately I've been giving some thought to learning how to play it. Music is in the genes: yours and mine.
I am sure the antenna gesture makes him look thoughtful. Just as I am sure you are selling yourself short as far as the musical talent goes. As long as you are having fun playing though that is what counts.
Thanks, Reb.
That's what I love about the ukulele. You can't possibly take yourself too seriously, and you (I) can't not smile.
I always do that with my antennae for more gravitas.
Clare, Darahfenn is pleased someone understands.
Ukulele, huh? I smile picturing it.
Barbara, why not? I think you'll have fun playing.
Music and writing -- yes, my twin passions. And they play off each other and inspire me in complementary ways. I'm glad you're playing guitar! Music is such a wonderful creative activity.
And I relate, I much prefer raw creation over revisions. I'm brainstorming -- no, make that sparkstorming -- a new novel, but the one I just completed needs revisions, and I'll get to those revisions, but I'll really have to tear myself away from the sparkstorming to do it. :)
Thomma Lynn, it does kick up the creativity even as it calms my mind down.
I understand. I wish I had a new one to work on, but the current mss need their attention.
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