It's October, probably 1966. The air was crisp, the day was overcast, the Ford Fairlane 500 was parked neatly in front of the house, and the dogs were still full of energy.
They were friends. They ran circles together around the school bus and any other vehicle that moved, swam in the creek, sang with the coyotes, and occasionally play fought until they were tired. When that time came one would lie back and expose his throat while the other pretended to rip it out.
While Pal was long-suffering and consented to be mauled by children, ridden, used as a pillow, and even hitched to a sled once, Scamp was the watcher. He was given more to chasing and we even saw him point at the cluster of rose bushes near the old house once.
I don't think Scamp ever got his due. He was a good dog, and a good friend.
They've been gone a long time. It'll be 40 years in the fall right about the same time of year as that photo was taken. Scamp first, then Pal moped around for three weeks before joining him.
No matter how many pets have come after them, they were the first and they'll always be the best.