Monday, October 15, 2012

Gratitude Monday -- This Tree

I love this tree.
I am so grateful for the time I had with it.
Knotty and gnarled and full of character, this American Elm in Kaslo, B.C. reached into my heart and stayed.
I wanted to climb up its magnificent trunk, stretch out on a strong, stout limb, and never come down.


solarity said...

It reminds me of Owl's tree in Winnie-the-Pooh. The branch is also like the one Pooh sat on with his hunny pots beside him during the flood. Perhaps E.A. Shepherd knew a tree like it? So sturdy and protective.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Dianne said...

big ole tree :)
they are such wonderful creatures
great photo

Leah J. Utas said...

Mary Anne, what a wonderful likeness. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Dianne, they sure are. Each with its own feel and life and personal history. They will tell us if we listen.
I'll let my husband know you like the pic.

Bossy Betty said...

I am thinking that tree loved you and your gratefulness as well!

Red said...

A rather spiritual description of a favorite tree.

Red said...

A rather spiritual description of a favorite tree.

Leah J. Utas said...

Betty, what a wonderful thing to say.

Thank you, Red.

the Bag Lady said...

That is a beautiful tree. I hope you get to visit it again.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thank you, Bag Lady. I think we'll make a point of checking on it any time we're in Kaslo.

Reb said...

Love the angle of the photo, it make me envision Mike hanging from another sturdy limb with his legs wrapped around and one arm to pull him up sideways to take the shot :)

messymimi said...

It reminds me of a beautiful, huge old magnolia i happen to love.

Leah J. Utas said...

Reb, if Mike got into that tree he'd never come out.

Messymimi, I would love to see a magnolia tree in the flesh.

Hilary said...

Some trees truly do take root inside of our hearts like that. That's a fine photo of your and your barky friend.

Crabby McSlacker said...

LOVE that picture; not only the solid and comforting bulk of the tree but the interesting camera angle that captures the feeling of being held by it.

Makes me wanna go out and hug a tree!

Leah J. Utas said...

Hilary, this one surely did.

Crabby, Mike did a fine job with the pic. I strongly recommend tree-hugging.