Friday, December 27, 2013

Photo-Finish Friday -- An Evening in the Sun

FeederFence 025

A young house finch enjoys the setting sun of a warm spring evening.

 It has the right idea.


Tabor said...

Spring?? Spring? Do you know where it is?

solarity said...

And the goat is shedding, making my fingers twitch from my long-ago one-day spinning workshop.
The countdown begins.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Leah J. Utas said...

I've only hear rumours, Tabor.

Mary Anne, I'm sure it would make the goat very happy.

David Cranmer said...

Ah, the good life. I could come back as a bird.

messymimi said...

The bird will be back. Spring will, too. Both have wings, and don't leave forever.

Hilary said...

It sure does and so do you for posting such a warming image at this time.