Monday, October 12, 2015

Gratitude Monday --Everything

Today is Thanksgiving, the day when we find all manner of things for which to give thanks.
Rather than write out a list let me just say I am grateful for everything.
Whatever it is or was is done. Whatever will be, let it come.
It'll be good unless I decide it is bad or indifferent. Even if I do that, in retrospect I'll discover it was actually good.
That's why I say I am grateful for everything, because it is all good.

Happy Thanksgiving.


messymimi said...

Happy Thanksgiving! May everything bring you a blessing.

solarity said...


Mary Anne in Kentucky

Tabor said...

Happy Thanksgiving. It is all whole, the good and bad which keeps us in the middle moving forward day by day.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, all.

Crabby McSlacker said...

Shoot, I was offline and missed Canadian thanksgiving, but hope it was wonderful! I do believe you are one of the few people who take the best part, the gratitude, and carry it with you all year long! (It's also more portable and practical than trying to carry pumpkin pie in your pockets all year long).

Leah J. Utas said...

Crabby, it was the best. Thanks.