Monday, November 28, 2016

Gratitude Monday - Apple Pie Order Edition

I'd been thinking of apple pie. This led me to the logical consequence: I baked one.
I am grateful for a number of things involved in this including Robin Hood Gluten Free Flour. It makes the best pie crust ever.
I am grateful my husband brought home some apples, and I am grateful I know how to bake pie.
We still have some cake around so the pie will go in the freezer for a few days. That's fine because just having it around and available will do for now.
In a few days the pie will be all the better.
Here is said pie:


solarity said...

I am grateful that I know how to make pie, and a great many other things. I was explaining to my young co-worker that I didn't want any of the "store-bought" biscuits someone had brought in because they weren't any good compared to my own, and he wanted to know what brand I used. The concept of made-from-scratch didn't enter his head. Also, he'd never heard of self-rising flour (as I explained the simple process of biscuit making.) He's 24, and not helpless. That conversation was three days ago and I'm still overwhelmed with gratitude for my past.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

messymimi said...

After reading this and Mary Anne in Kentucky's comments, i'm grateful my children were willing to let me teach them to cook and bake.

Leah J. Utas said...

Mary Anne, I had to shake my head at that poor young man.

Messymimi, I am sure they are grateful for the knowledge.