So the Blogosphere is to end in a glorious crashing apocalypse. Now what? What are my famous last cyberwords?
That’s the premise of the charity-driven meme from Urban Monk and I was tagged by Michael.
Oh, how I would love it to be witty like “42” or “So long and thanks for all the fish.” (RIP Douglas Adams)
Fact is, I got nuthin’.
Nothing original or witty or poignant or insightful.
I’ve enjoyed blogging. The thrill of having readers may not ever wear off. I don’t see how it can.
It was exciting to check Sitemeter and find out I’d had traffic from China, Indonesia, Lebanon, India. Someone from every continent but Antarctica has had a sniff. They didn’t stay, but they were there, and that’s darned exciting.
Blogging gave me back a way of communicating I thought had ended when I left newspaper reporting six years ago. I had a place to voice my opinions and learn what others thought of my stance.
When readers agreed with my newspaper columns I sometimes heard about it. When they disagreed I always heard about it.
I was once told to “get an education.” Another time I was mentioned at four churches on the same Sunday. Readers occasionally prayed for me. I kept all the letters to the editor about me after they ran in the paper.
When public opinion of my thoughts was scarce I’d take them out and roll in them just to remember why I wrote a column.
It meant I was being read. And more importantly, it made people think. I like to think that I’ve done that on the blog so my final post of the blog apocalypse will echo what I said when my reporting career ended, “Thank you for reading me.”
NB I’m supposed to tag others as I have been tagged.
Consider yourself tagged.
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