Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Feeding Time

At left, an osprey with a fish rests in a tree.

At right, another osprey sits on its nest.

Two adults were on the nest when we spotted it, but one left before my camera was ready.
It's possible the one that left the nest was the one we spotted with the fish.


Hilary said...

That's very cool. Was that close enough to home so that you'll be able to keep an eye out for the young?

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, Hilary. It's about an hour's drive, but I'm not sure I could find the spot again.

Terrie Farley Moran said...

df Leah,

This is just wonderful. Isn't it amazing how the other species are so able to take of themselves and humans always seem to need so much help!


Leah J. Utas said...

dfTerrie, I can't help but wonder how we got so helpless.
Nature/God/Universe supplies us with all we need. Sadly, we have forgtten how to receive it.

the Bag Lady said...

dfLeah - way cool! You are so lucky to live so close to such great photo ops.

Leah J. Utas said...

Hey thanks, df Bag Lady. We've been blessed with several osprey sightings lately.

Reb said...

Wow, that shot with the fish is very cool. You are lucky living there and seeing fabulous views and wildlife all the time.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, Reb. Yes, I am very lucky to live where I do.

Thomma Lyn said...

Oh, wow - what amazing pictures. It's great living so close to nature, isn't it! :)

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, TL. It really is great being so close.