Tuesday, July 6, 2010


A bug goes about its business on a blooming buckbean.

It's good to stop and look. All manner of life happens under our feet, under our noses, and usually under our radar.
We're so swept up in what we see in front of us that we forget to look down and around.
Life goes on around us no matter what takes up our time or what we think is important.
I try to take a few moments out of the day to rest and really see what is happening around me. A walk out at one of the local lakes, such as where this was taken, is a good way to do it. So is weeding the garden, or for that matter, sweeping the floor.
Be in the moment and see what it has to offer.


David Cranmer said...

Well put.

Ron Scheer said...

Thanks, Leah. Looking up is cool, too, when the clouds are putting on a spectacular, silent show.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thank you, David.

Ron, so good to see you here. You are so right about the clouds. I love to gaze at them.

Barbara Martin said...

This fits in well with being grateful for small blessings.

Tabor said...

I have no idea what a buckbeam is, but it sure is an interesting flower.

messymimi said...

We walk through life, looking but not seeing, as da Vinci said. Good reminder to not do that.

Leah J. Utas said...

Yes, I suppose it does, Barbara.

They grow in wetlands here along the edges of lakes, Tabor. I find them most interesting.

Messymimi, that's so true. There's so much of life around us that we don't even see.

the Bag Lady said...

Thanks for the reminder cousin! I've been pretty busy the past couple of days, but will definitely take time to look around me!

Anonymous said...

Good advice...I'm going to try and be in the moment.

Nancy said...

Great advice. I will try it today!

Reb said...

I will be cleaning and laundering today. I will try very hard to be in the moment, but... I dunno, it will be hard ;)

Lovely photo!

Leah J. Utas said...

Bag Lady, you are welcome. The busier we get the more important it is to take a moment when we can.

Mary, you won't regret it.

Nancy, please do.

Reb, even the most mundane tasks have something in them to be enjoyed.
Glad you like the pic.

tattytiara said...

Yes, excellent advice. I find I can lose time staring at an anthill as easily now as I could when I was six, and how many things can you do as easily as an adult as you could when you were six? Those are things to be cherished!

Leah J. Utas said...

Tattytiara, yes, they sure are. BTW, ants are fascinating, but I'd rather they were fascinating somewhere other than in my house.