Monday, December 16, 2013

Gratitude Monday -- A Different Handle on Things

A handle came off a saucepan quite some time ago. It sat, waiting, in an inconspicuous spot in the kitchen for many a month.
One day I decided to see if glue would work to fix said handle.
It did not.
But it did move my husband to construct a replacement handle over the weekend. A bracket, a pipe, and assorted nuts and screws later we have it: Frankenhandle.
It is strong and sturdy and will outlast everything else in its class.
It hardly took any time to do and I am grateful for my husband's creativity, skill, and abilities in getting this done.
 For comparison:
 The original handle on a pot from the same litter.
The new, improved will-last-until-the-end-of-time handle.


Unknown said...

indeed a lifetime.

Tabor said...

Just do not forget the hotpad!!

solarity said...

It looks considerably better than the original. I have a cast aluminum pot that was my grandmother's that my father put a replacement handle on made of cherry wood pruned from one of our cherry trees.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Crabby McSlacker said...

Very clever pan-handle-hack! I admire those with fix-it skills as I have none myself.

And to quote the first comment, which you may well want to delete although it's certainly amusing:

Nice post mehn! I love your style of blogging here!

Leah J. Utas said...

Carla, likely more than one.
Tabor, aye. My first thought.
Mary Anne, that must be a lovely handle.

Leah J. Utas said...

Crabby, I admire the fix-iters, too.
I think I'll keep the first comment now that it's quote-worthy.

Chris said...

Repair, when possible, trumps replace, every damn time. Kudos to your man!

Leah J. Utas said...

So true, Chris.

messymimi said...

Hooray for your handyman! It's nice to be able to keep a pan that really works well.

Leah J. Utas said...

Aye, it sure is, Messymimi. It'll go with our camping gear.

the Bag Lady said...

I love your Frankenhandle!
I also love that first comment.... hey mehn.

Hilary said...

He sure is a handymehn!

I love the term Frankenhandle. You're both clever. :)

Barbara Martin said...

Wonderful husband you have, Leah. A little ingenuity goes a long way.

Leah J. Utas said...

Bag Lady, thanks.

Hilary, good one.

Barbara, yes, he is and yes it does.