I am grateful for many things: big, little, middling, immeasurable.
Late last week the weather forced the cancellation of a planned camping trip with friends. It was disappointing, but we've had so much rain that our basement flooding. Even though it stopped raining Friday the ground was saturated, the water table rose, and water percolated up into the basement.
Being home gave my husband the time and opportunity to vacuuming the water every few hours.
For that I am grateful.
We spent Saturday trying out a new bakery in a nearby town and then on to a restaurant in a different town. Both were good and I am grateful for the chance.
I'd bought a sirloin tip roast to do over the campfire. Instead I got to roast it yesterday. We'll have several meals from it and that's really good. It'll mean less to think about while I process the abundance of vegetables we have received from my husband's family. I am grateful for the bounty and the time.
I'd been craving apple pie and my husband brought home apples from the trees in his orchard at his mother's place. I decided to try the new formula Robin Hood gf flour, but added a few things of my own including a tablespoon of psyllium fibre. It was a good call and it made a fine pie crust. In fact, it is the best pie crust I have ever made. I am grateful for all of it.
Hallie Rubenhold: Books Are Like Babies
2 hours ago