Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Merriest Month

Good morning and welcome to another edition of It's Snowed In Alberta In The Spring: How Unusual!

Above - I used the camera's night setting to slow down the snow as it fell. That's our backyard.

This photo shows snow on the morning newspaper as it rests on the front porch. It was delivered about an hour prior this photo being taken.

And this is the front yard. I took the pics a few minutes after 6 a.m.
I'm sure we need the moisture.


the Bag Lady said...

We managed to escape the snow THIS time! Although, I'm sure it was a narrow escape, because it certainly felt like it was going to snow last night! Cold and damp.
There is a lot of dark cloud around, but the sun is trying valiantly to shine - hopefully, it will prevail!

the Bag Lady said...

The Bag Lady wasn't bragging - honest! And she is sure you do need the moisture....

Leah J. Utas said...

I was wondering how you fared up there, dfBag Lady.
Glad you escaped.

Hilary said...

Oh yuck, Leah. I mean, they're lovely photos and all but you must be getting SO sick of it. I sure hope you have a long, warm summer to make up for it... like into November!

Leah J. Utas said...

I'm nearly sick of it, Hilary. Not that I'm hoping for the opportunity to get sick of it.
Thanks for your wishes for a long, warm summer. I'll second them.

Frank Baron said...

Sheesh. Dang PMS-y weather. I never doubted that Nature has a female aspect....

(runs away)

Leah J. Utas said...

You made me laugh, Frank.

Reb said...

Lovely photos Leah, but I second Hilary's wishes for a long summer. We escaped, but apparently just barely.

Leah J. Utas said...

Glad you enjoyed the pics, Reb. And glad you escaped.