Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Snipe and a Snub and a Walk in the Lake

A common snipe sits on a fencepost near a ditch wetland.
It was a good evening for snipes as we saw two more, including one that buzzed over us several times making its eerie woo woo-ish call.

This poor goose looks like he's been snubbed by his three friends. The snow they were on covered their usual nesting area by a wetland. The three eventually flew off leaving this Canada Goose all alone.

You are never to old to wade in the lake. If I'd had my rubber boots with me I'd have been right there beside my husband enjoying the freezing lake water.

Please click on the photos to enlarge and enjoy.


Hilary said...

That last shot is wonderfully moody and I love the soft colours in the sky in the second one. Thanks for sharing.

Sure sucks that you still have snow though.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks so much, Hilary. These marked my first late evening experiments with my digital camera.
The snow is almost gone. Again.

Crabby McSlacker said...

I think I need some rubber boots--I'd almost forgotten the pleasures of wading until you reminded me.

Great pictures!

Leah J. Utas said...

Crabby, go for it. I bet you'll have great fun.
Glad you like the pics.

the Bag Lady said...

Great shots, dfLeah. The Bag Lady feels sorry for the poor goose left behind..... kinda what happened to her today!

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, df Bag Lady. Did you get left behind?

Hilary said...

Or did you get goosed?

Reb said...

Oh, I really like the last shot of the lake. Poor goose, I wonder why he was being snubbed?

Leah J. Utas said...

The lake shot is one of my favourites, Reb. Glad you like it.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, what beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing them. :)

Hubby and I have talked about getting wading boots so we can wade in the creeks in our mountains. :)

Leah J. Utas said...

I'm so glad you like the pics, Thomma Lynn. It's my pleasure to show them off.
I strongly recommend the boots. Wading is good for the soul.