Friday, March 2, 2012

Photo-Finish Friday --Life in a Mangrove Swamp

We had a tour on Rio Dulce in Guatemala and took a side trip through a mangrove swamp. This woman is up to her thighs in water doing  her laundry.


the Bag Lady said...

I simply cannot imagine doing my laundry in a mangrove swamp.
Counting my blessings!

Leah J. Utas said...

My thought, too, Bag Lady. Whenever I think I'm hard done by I'll think of this.

Bossy Betty said...

Just got a new washing machine the other day. I think I am going to go kneel in front of it and say a prayer of thanks.

Dawn said...

What I have taken for granted!!

Leah J. Utas said...

LOL, Betty. And I concur.

Leah J. Utas said...

Dawn, we crossed-posted. It makes a person think, doesn't it?

Crabby McSlacker said...

Great photo, love to live your adventures vicariously!

Coincidentally, I'm just back from vacation and up to my thighs doing laundry too... though it's not water but dirty clothes I'm wading through.

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks, Crabby.
Good to have you back.

messymimi said...

Makes me want to hug my washer. Living with no dryer is easy by comparison.

Reb said...

I thought I had it rough having to walk down the hall to the laundry room! I will remember this post as I make the trek on Monday and be grateful :)

Leah J. Utas said...

Messymimi, me, too. It's laundry day here and I am so happy I can stay dry while I do it.

Reb, perspective means a lot.

solarity said...

I look at that house and long to live there and then I remember the mosquitos....

Automatic washers are one of the wonders of the twentieth century. Right up there with running water and refrigeration.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Leah J. Utas said...

Mary Anne, I saw only one mosquito in the whole country and it had already bitten someone.
Totally agree re:washers.

Hilary said...

That's a wonderful shot, Leah. I love the feel of it but I'm glad I don't have to do my laundry this way.