I went for a drive yesterday. It got me outside, and gave me a chance to spend time under the warm, late summer sun. The leaves are beginning to turn though there's still plenty of green.
The mid-afternoon sky seemed a deeper, more intense blue yesterday and it was magnificent to be out in it.
On my way to a local lake I saw a red-tailed hawk. It's is my bird totem. I am always pleased to see one as I consider it a sign that I am being watched over.
I am grateful for that.
What a great picture of your bird totem! Wow!
Thanks for the reminder about Gratitude Monday. Hubby goes for his MRI today, so I'm grateful he was able to get in with only a 2 month wait, rather than 6 months! And I'm grateful that we will soon (perhaps) have some idea of what they can do to help him!
Thanks, dfBag lady. Yes, that is a good reason for gratitude. I'm grateful he got in so quickly, too.
A beautiful bird totem to have, I can see why it inspires you.
I hope you have lots of blue sky days left before the winter cold.
Thanks so much, Messymimi.
I adore birds of prey (from a safe distance). They are so majestic!
Having NO CLUE, I identify everything as a hawk.
Yes, they are, Fifth. Plenty of hawks about so around these parts you'll be right most of the time.
I need to find my bird totem. What a great idea. Glad you had a visit.
A beauty of a shot, Leah. I'm still trying to figure out my totems.. bird or otherwise. A hawk sure is an impressive creature, isn't it?
Oh wow, what a beautiful picture of the hawk. It amazes me, how you get such pictures of magnificent birds. I occasionally encounter hawks on hikes, but as yet, I've never gotten a picture of one. They're either too high in the sky or if I come up on one in a tree, he/she flies off before I can get my camera ready.
And a gorgeous blue sky day, too! :) As ever, I love your positive, inspiring posts.
wow. thats an amazing photograph.
Why do I imagine you are simply calm serene and FOCUSED and zen all the time?
how could you not be?
Nancy, I think it's a good idea to find your bird. It sure does help when you ask for signs.
Hilary, thanks. Hawks are amazing to watch. Getting your totems sorted out is very grounding and good for the soul.
Thanks, Thomma Lyn. Birds can be difficult to photograph. I've been blessed to get some reasonable pics. Good to know how much you enjoy my Monday posts.
Carla, thanks. I'm not always zen, but(focused? pun!!) I do try.
Glad you like the pic. I'm really proud of it.
I expect you to have far reaching vision just like your totem, Leah. The photo caught my eye with the bird launching itself into the air. Nice capture!
Thank you so very much, Barbara.
Absolutely beautiful Leah!
Thank you.
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