Rosehips in the sandhills at Horseshoe Bend near Fort Assiniboine. Fall comes a bit early there.To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
- Ecclesiastes 3:1.
And for others among us this
may be more familiar:
Either way, enjoy the change.
Happy Autumn, everyone.
May the change of the seasons bring you joy and blessings.
I shall be singing this all day ;)
A time to laugh a tiiiime to cry.
Thank you, Messymimi. You, too.
It's a favourite of mine, Carla. I hope you enjoy having it with you.
That's going to be in my head all day now! Thanks, cousin.
(and can you really read those first three comments?)
No, can't read 'em, but they kick up the comment count and make me feel good.
Hope you at least like the song.
Thanks for that Leah! It will replace the crap song that has been stuck there for weeks. I hope! Love the photo and the season.
Thanks, Reb. Hope the replacement works out.
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