The little voice inside will direct you properly. I’ve learned to heed mine, mostly, and it’s been worthwhile.
We’d been looking around for a new mattress to replace our 17-year-old foam IKEA mattress. I checked a store that specializes in foam mattresses. I checked IKEA, too. Something similar was available and it seemed logical to get the replacement from the store which sold me the product originally.
I was going to phone in the order and arrange for delivery (the nearest stores are two hours away) when I felt a nagging urge to check out a local furniture store.
I did. Spring-style mattresses were available and the store was having a sale. It looked good.
My husband was off work the next day so we went back, check things out again, and bought a new mattress. The price was good. Part of the deal on the sale was no GST being charged.
We bought it and brought it home. The whole transaction took less than an hour.
I heeded the voice that said to look there. Our mattress was replaced quickly and it was on sale.
The little voice inside is there for a reason. Sometimes it’s our intuition, other times it’s a guide or helper or angel who’s stopped by to nudge us along.
Usually we hear about this help when something life altering is involved. It’s good to be reminded that that the little voice speaks to the mundane, too, and for that I’m grateful.
Making Nice Guys & Girls Realistically Flawed
17 hours ago
dfLeah - that little voice certainly can help things along, but sometimes it needs to shout! Glad you got a new mattress, hope it's comfy!
The Bag Lady is grateful today for good friends who will help you out. With the cowboy working long hours everyday, the Bag Lady has had help from several of the neighbours and appreciates all of them.
dfBagLady - It sometimes needs to be very insistent,too.
Glad the friends are there to help.
Funny, the little voices in my head only seem to speak of chocolate chip cookies and cupcakes!
Actually, I'm quite impressed you had a mattress that lasted 17 years. Ours, no matter what sort of longevity is promised, start getting saggy way before that. And we flip the dang things like we're supposed to.
Glad your "voice" took you to the right place.
You're not alone, Crabby. My little voice talks about chocolate all the time.
My inner voice needs to be re-tuned I think. It seems to only want junk food and slothfulness!
Reb - Your inner voice may have a point, but maybe you ought to clarify things with it.
I don't even want to talk about the voice(s) in my head...
But are they helping you write, Michael?
Well, actually, yes...but don't tell anyone. If they know what goes on in my head they might be too scared to read my work!
df Leah,
I am sorry it took me so long to get here but I wanted to tell you something about the little voice. Sometimes it's not just a voice. I have been pretty much off blog for a few days because of work projects and one required an email to be sent.
So on Monday, the day of your little voice post, I fiddled and faddled and finally came up with the perfect email. Just as I was doing the final read it disappeared--right off my computer screen. I wanted to cry. I did, in fact, scream, and then I started all over again.
And do you know--the second email was better and faster and easier and will accomplish what it needs to do.
So the little voice lives in computers as well.
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