It was only a few seconds, but my friend Sylvia and I stood with William Shatner and had our photo taken.
I remember watching Star Trek back in first run. It was my favourite show. Still is. It at no point occurred to me back then that I would ever see in person Kirk and Spock, never mind get pictures.
I did. I have. And my best friend was with me on both occasions. In fact, it was her idea to go to The Nimoy Event in Vulcan last year and to ComicCon in Calgary this year.
Thank you.
How to Show Emotional Volatility
10 hours ago
Wow! That's fantastic.
How long did "the Shat" have to stand in line to get a picture with you? I'm sure it was well worth it to him.
Oh, Crabby. Thanks for that. Including photo pic up the wait was more than three hours. Total wait during the 10 hour day was five hours.
That is very cool in my world, Leah.
Thanks, David. It was very cool in mine, too.
I'm glad the Shat had the chance to have his picture taken with you and Sylvia! :)
Those Star Trek guys don't know how lucky they are.
Aww, Bag Lady. Thanks.
Glad you have had such an adventure. It's nice to have a dream come true, isn't it?
It sure is, Messymimi. I am blessed to have had a few come true.
Very cool!!!
Bossy Betty, it oh so totally was.
Well worth the wait I'd say. Pretty cool too ;)
It was, Reb. Not too many I'd wait for, but he was one of them.
Just awesome. Well worth the wait!!! I'm hoping this will be well framed;)
Thanks, Dawn. Yes, it's already framed and in my meditation room.
Very cool. I'm glad you had this opportunity.
William Shatner and I went to the same high school, though he attended MUCH earlier than I did.. so much so, that the school operated under a different name then. And my Great Auntie Minnie used to play cards with his mother.. way back when he was just a young thing. Just a wee bit of trivia.
Hilary, that is so cool.
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