I fixed something the other day.
I have a mini food processor that came with the regular food processor as a bonus.
It is handy as all get out and I use it often.
But the other day it didn't work. The lid has a small plastic lip on it that fits in a slot on the back. Without this slot filled it won't turn on.
How the lip got broken I don't know and neither does it matter. The point is the machine was dead.
I think this feature is intended a safety measure. A thing that chops and slices is best operated securely covered.
It eventually occured to me that if something of the right size and weight went into the slot all would be well.
I took a flashlight and shone it in the slot to see what I was up against. There I found a wheel that yielded to a bit of pressure.
A few days earlier I'd found a bit of plastic that I think was part of packing material for a coffeemaker. Why I still had it I don't know, but I did and I am happy.
It was a perfect fit.
The bit of plastic went into the slot and there it stayed.
I remind myself when I see it that the machine, in essence, fully armed. I must be extra careful when I chop or grind with it. If I were to accidentally turn it on while loading all manner of things would come flying out.
So I will be careful when I use it, but I can use it.
I am grateful for that, for me figuring out what to do, and for that little piece of plastic that wandered back into my life and stayed.
Wednesday Poetry Prompts: 736
3 hours ago